Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What's growing in the garden...

Who doesn't love garlic?! That's why we planted a lot of it. Between our staff, volunteers, and program participants, it has a tendency to disappear pretty quickly...

Our garlic went into the ground mid-October. Garlic needs to overwinter and then will be ready to harvest around July. We planted a number of different varieties, including New York White and German Extra Hardy. There's also some elephant garlic, which is actually a wild leek.

Another great thing about garlic is that it's easy to save. So come harvest time, we have to resist the temptation to take it all home.

Here's a wider view of the garlic beds. Next to the garlic we recently planted scallions.

Our Garden Coordinator Chris has been busy in the greenhouse - we have a lot of vegetable seedlings growing alongside the Arboretum's fancy ornamentals. It can be pretty easy to get distracted in the Arboretum greenhouses.

We have brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower), alliums (onions, leeks), flowers, and some randoms like cotton and millet all going strong in the greenhouse.

This first week in April, we'll start seeding all our warm season crops like tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers as well. Exciting!!

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