Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thank You Washington Youth Garden Volunteers!

Yes, time has definitely flown by and sadly our two summer programs at the WYG have ended for the season. On the positive side, our volunteers are still hard at work! There is much to do to prepare the garden for fall and winter. We have been harvesting produce, weeding, mulching, cleaning up and clearing the garden, planting a small section of fall crops and flowers, and planting cover crops. On the right, WYG volunteer, EJ Truax, holds a beautiful bouquet of cut flowers in which she cut and arranged in less than 5 minutes. This sentence really sums Ms. Truax up, efficient and beautiful!

We would like to thank all of the volunteers that have helped the WYG this year in any capacity. We would not be able to deliver such a great program to our participants without each and every one of you!

Volunteer days at the WYG are on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9am-12pm. Saturday volunteer days will continue through September and Tuesday volunteer days will continue until it's too cold to hold a tool. If you are interested in volunteering please contact, garden coordinator, Christopher Turse, via email. His e-mail address is

WYG Volunteer, Greig Stewart, sits next to a bounty of veggies and enjoys a presentation on nutrition underneath our great, big willow oak.

WYG volunteer, Stephanie Mui, harvests pole beans with a smile. WELCOME BACK Stephanie!

'All hands' needed in the tomato patch...THE TOMATOES ARE FLYIN' OFF THE VINE!

Butternut Squash, Acorn Squash, Pumpkins, melons and watermelons galore!

These pumpkins below were harvested from the large vine that blocked the main entrance for most of the year. They were 'volunteer' pumpkins and we were very grateful that they decided to plant themselves. The melon beside the pumpkins was one of the sweetest melons that I have ever tasted, grown right here at the Washington Youth Garden!

It was a great season for root crops like these purple and orange carrots. We had a constant succession of carrots this season!

This picture was taken after many folks had already packed one or two bags full with produce to take home!
Below is one of our favorite butterflies, the Great Spangled Fritillary. Come on out and see if you can find one yourself!


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